We trialled and made our own version of the ideas being developed for PISA (Lucas, B., G. Claxton and E. Spencer (2013), “Progression in Student Creativity in School: First Steps Towards New Forms of Formative Assessments”, OECD Education
Working Papers, No. 86, OECD Publishing)
We found them very useful in problematizing creativity – getting away from the idea of the ‘creative genius’ and helping pupils understand that creativity can be developed.
Teachers in this project found the clear progression in Enabling Enterprise’s Skillsbuilder toolkit https://www.skillsbuilder.org/framework (especially their framework for progression in Teamwork) useful for showing children what it means to collaborate effectively.
We developed our own version of this with children’s ages instead of stages.
The UK school also shared with the other schools the oracy framework for developing communication skills which it had been using with staff and pupils.
Other schools focussed on developing and assessing their pupils’ communication in a foreign language (English).