London visit March 2019
From 18th – 22nd March, pupils and teachers from Croatia, Latvia, Poland and Turkey visited Holy Trinity.

The week kicked off with a whole school Enabling Enterprise day where children collaborated to plan and create a computer game

On Tuesday, pupils from all schools visited the BFI (British Film Institute) to learn about documentary-making. They worked in groups to plan, shoot and edit a one-minute film about happiness.

On Wednesday, we went to the Camden CLC (City Learning Centre) and worked together using Logic Pro (the software of the professionals) to compose music collaboratively.

On Thursday we visited East London Arts and Music (ELAM), a college for 16 to 19 year olds who want to pursue a career in the music, games design or film and TV industries. We saw their incredible facilities which are sponsored by different companies in those industries and attended a masterclass given by a professional songwriter.