Rezekne is situated in the eastern part of Latvia and suffers from the highest unemployment in the country. Students are short of positive examples of business owners. This project could influence the students positively by developing their skills, and acquainting them with the role of a businessperson, which could encourage them to become successful employers or employees. Rezekne primary school is a relatively new state school. It was created in 2015 by merging two schools. Over time, Rezekne primary school has become very popular.486 students aged 7-12 attend our school and 46 teachers educate them. The school offers different extra-curricular activities. Our students attend optional courses at dancing, singing, sports, music, handicrafts, as well as ICT club, choir, art club and different workshops. Pupils learn English from the first grade and German or Russian - from the sixth grade.Our classrooms are equipped with computers, laptops, CD players, LCD projectors that the teachers can freely use for their lessons and which makes the teaching and learning process easier and more interesting. The school has the internet connection. Large number of our pupils come from families with low income. There are also pupils with different health problems and special educational needs attending our school. We are currently taking part in the ESF project "Career guidance in general and vocational educational institutions". We have also a great collaboration with Rezekne Academy of Technologies. The result of the cooperation will be new teaching materials for students with special educational needs.