The project coordinator regularly informed the pupils, teachers and parents about the progress and activities of the project. It happened in parents meetings and teachers meetings. The latest information about the project was seen on the ERASMUS + board and the school website. The local community was informed in the local newspapers "RēzeknesVēstis" and "RēzeknesVēstnesis" (3 publications at different times). During the meetings in the companies the employees received information about the ERASMUS + project activities, goals and benefits. The visits were covered in photo reports on FB. Participating in the ERASMUS + international thematic seminar “ERASMUS + boosting employability and promoting cooperation with the world of work” organized by VIAA in Jūrmala, the project coordinator informed the seminar participants about the project goals, its progress and benefits. From 10 to 12 October 2019 the ERASMUS + DAY was organized in the school and the informative and video materials created by project partner schools were shown on TV panel in order to inform and popularize the ERASMUS + program and the project.

On August 26 (2020) the ERASMUS + project LEARNING WITH THE 3CS:
Boosting pupils ’technological and entrepreneurial skills through creativity, communication and collaboration closing event "3C's - creativity, communication and collaboration" took place in Rezekne Primary School in which the project coordinator I.Rudzīte and the project team discussed about the progress of the project, its final products and the benefits for the school, students and teachers.
Teachers, continuing the project idea, collaborated in creative workshops, shared creative ideas with each other, how to start the new school year better and more interesting and how to successfully implement creative ideas at school and develop them in students.
The event was informative, interesting, rich in diverse ideas realized in life and also colorful.